
Why You Should Farm West Tek Fallout 76

Head to any Fallout 76 forum or Reddit, and people will bleat about how fantastic it is to farm West-Tek in Fallout 76. Look at your map, and chances are you’ll see plenty of people hanging around West-Tek each day, particularly when a new season pass has launched. So, why is it so good? Should you buy Fallout 76 caps to help you farm it? Let’s take a look!

It’s an Instanced Area

In our opinion, this is the best reason to farm Fallout 76 West-Tek. The area is completely instanced, so you don’t need to worry about other people cramping your style when you’re running around inside. This means that everything inside is for you. The mobs, the resources, everything. You’re basically the center of the world.

Loads of XP

West-Tek Fallout 76 is packed to the brim with Super Mutants. Obviously, these drop a few caps as it is. However, if you load up on XP boosts before you head inside (this is why you should buy Fallout 76 caps, so you can get the right food to eat), you’ll be rolling in the XP. You can level through the entire battle pass, at least up to level 100, without doing anything else. How cool is that?

Of course, once you kill the mobs, they disappear. However, here is the cool thing about West-Tek – if you leave through the elevator (i.e. leave the instanced area), and wait 60 seconds, you can go back in and farm all the mobs again. It is a never-ending farm.

Loads of Resources

While the main reason to go into West-Tek is for the various mobs running around, you’ll also love the fact that there is a ton of resources here. Loads of steel, mainly. However, you can also pick up screws, and pretty much anything else you would find around a tech lab.

These items will not respawn due to how junk timers work in FO76. Well, they’ll respawn eventually, but you’ll need to loot a lot for them to come back.

Loads of Weapons to Scrap

Those Super Mutants drop a ton of gear and, every so often, you might get a legendary piece of gear drop. Most of the stuff will be pretty basic, but that’s cool. You can break even the most basic stuff down into resources that you can use elsewhere too. In fact, much of what you break down will give you the essential components that you need to fix everything else in gear slot, meaning you can farm forever.

Final Thoughts – Why You Should Farm West-Tek

So, there you have it – all the reasons you should be farming Fallout 76 West-Tek. If you have Fallout First, make sure that you stick a survival tent outside, making it easier to scrap everything that you have.

Loads of steel, mainly. However, you can also pick up screws, and pretty much anything else you would find around a tech lab.

What should you do once you have all that gear? Well, the best option is to get cheap Fallout 76 atoms from You can then stock up on awesome items from the atom store.

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